If you want to live according to the teachings of the Holy Gospel then you will go against members of your household, against the society and against all and Christ will be with you!
I’d prefer a thousand times better to be poor but with Christ rather than rich with the Devil!
A thousand times better to be a servant, a maid sweeping the sidewalks of the streets rather than to be a corrupt and immoral madam of Kolonaki (upscale neighborhood in central Athens)!
A thousand times better off being a simple monk than to be a patriarch that violates the Holy Cannons left and right like it’s nobody’s business!
A thousand times better to be exiled in the dungeons than to be a wretched and miserable priest that preaches lies instead of the Truth!
May Christ our God raise up in the Church honorable hierarchs worthy of the stature, of the stamina and of the sublime of Saint John Chrysostom through the prayers of which may Christ our God have mercy on us all!